Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My Little Pony

Poor little Pony.  He had spent many happy years entertaining the children with his bucking and bouncing, but those days were long gone.  He watched sadly as they began to outgrow him and he was relegated to the backyard as an 'outside toy.' The elements were harsh but the abandonment was  harsher.  It was like a scene straight out of Toy Story 3. 

Funnily enough, Toy Story 3 came along with the adventures of Woody, Bullseye, and the gang, and the spark was reignited!  The youngest of the children became obsessed with all things cowboy, and so Pony was rescued and rehabbed into the lusterous steed he once was.  Yee-haw!

From Molly at Just a Little Creativity.

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