Monday, November 28, 2011

Ceiling Stunners

Howdy!  I'm back from a nice Thanksgiving weekend in Salt Lake City, where I froze my buns off so thoroughly, I'm pretty sure they fell off in one icy chunk somewhere on south Temple Street. Ha ha, I wish! My buns are most certainly still here and will be spending some quality time on the treadmill this week.

Did you have a great Thanksgiving?  (or regular ol' weekend if you don't live in America?)   Have you fully shaken off your turkey coma?   If not, here's a zinger of a makeover to help wake you up from Jennifer at Dimples and Tangles.  

Tired of the boring fans in her home but unhappy with anything she found in the store, she decided to make do with what she had!  The first fan she simply taped off and painted the stripes with craft paint, and the second fan is modge-podged fabric! Jennifer reports that both have held up just fine against everyday use.   (See the entire room makeover from the chevron fan HERE).

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