Sunday, October 9, 2011

Eagle Freedom Links - Halloween Scary Movies Edition - October 9, 2011

                                                 EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS 

American Perspective - Social Justice Versus Charity, What Does God Want?

America's Watchtower - Gunrunner: Eric Holder Digs in His Heels 

Amusing Bunni's Musings - This is a Very Special Month! 

ARRA News Service - Congressman Asks Holder To Resign Amid New Fast and Furious Details 

Atlas Shrugs - Obama Admin Offers Condolences to Khan Family for Killing Al-Qaeda Traitor Samir Khan 

_It Don't Make Sense_ - Not The Sharpest Pencil In The Pack 

A Catholic View - Notre Dame Prez To Obama On Contraception Mandate: What Happened To The 'Sensible Approach'? 

A Conservative Teacher - Mitt Will Be Hammered By Ghosts Of Races Past 

A Patriotic Rottweiler - Agenda 21 For Dummies 

A Pissed Off Irishman - Michelle's Staged Photo Op at Target 

A Western Heart - 'Pure Racism' : Signs Depicting Obama as Crying Baby in Diaper has Neighbors, Councilwoman Upset 

Abigail and Dolley - Dating The Candidates 

Acts Of The Apostasy - What Would the Saints Drive? 

Adrienne's Corner - The Story of Adlai Grace 

Allied Liberty News - BHO's Cop Killer Connections! (More than you knew!)

Always On Watch - Limits On Use Of Private Property? 

Anonymous Political Scientist - Looking for New Places to Answer Questions? Check Out Conservative Political Forum 

Barking Spider - New Facebook: Barack Obama is Spying on You

Barracuda Brigade 2012 - Video: 11 Year Old Benched for Scoring TOO MANY Touchdown!!!

BBCW - Petition @ White To Remove IB from Our Public Schools 

Beer, Bicycles, and VRWC - College and Debt 

Beers with Demo - Great Moments in the history of Statism 

Biblical Conservatism - Rick Perry "Racist" Hunting Camp is a Grasp at Straws by the Left 

Black or White Is A Choice - Yep, It's Lot's Cheaper than Drones 

Blog de King Shamus - Sarah Palin Bows Out of the 2012 Presidential Race 

Blowing San #1 - "Your Religious Beliefs Be Damned!" 

Bluegrass Pundit - New Islam Book: Islam Supports Killing All Those Infidel Women and Children 

Bread Upon the Waters - How Many Nobel Laureates Did It Take To Give Solyndra $1/2 Billion?

Can We Keep Our Republic? - Operation Fast and Furious - How High Does It Go? 

Catholic Moms For Santorum - Exclusive Interview With Karen Santorum

Catholic Once Again - Catholic Flash Fiction  

Commentarama - DOJ: "Cartels Control Border Access" 

Common Cents - Yet More Liberal Racism and Hatred: GOP Black Candidate Called "N*gger and Uncle Tom" 

Conservative Perspective - 2011 Iran Defense Week (Don't Ask and Definitely Don't Tell,,,Too Late) - Wide Open Thread 

Conservative Hideout - Herman Cain Educates Clinton on Economics in 1994 HC Townhall Forum 

Creative Minority Report - Bishops: Abortion Should Guide Election 

Deacon For Life - Botched Abortion Crisis Deepens 

DeanO - Heartwarming Nick Vujicic Music Video - 'Something More' 

Domine, da mihi hanc aquam! - Coffee Bowl Browsing 

Don't Tread On Us - Podcast Episode 1 

Down Under On The Right Side - The Problem With Leftards 

DRScoundrels - USDA and Government To Determine What Americans Can Eat! 

Economy Politics - Challenger Job Cuts Triple as US Army and Bank of America Lay off en masse 

Eye Of Polyphemus - Steve Jobs (1955-2011) 

Faith Of The Fathers - ZENIT- Anti-Christian Censorship and New Media 

Feed Your ADHD - The List of Demands for the Unwashed Goons of Occupy Wall Street 

Fuzzy Logic - Obama's Disastrous Presidency By The Numbers 

Generational Dysfunction - Hitler Discovers AttackWatch is a Joke! 

Hack Wilson - Ray Comfort's 180: A Perfect Argument Against Abortion - Tea Party Won't Back Brown in 2012 

Hyphenated-American - Two Articles, A Few Days Apart...

Innominatus - The Funniest Thing You Ever Saw

Jo-Joe Politico - The Bully Pulpit 

Just a Conservative Girl - Herman Cain on Fox News Sunday 

LandShark 5150 - "Truth Is Treason in the Empire of Lies" 

Laughing Conservative - Fascists 1, Ketchup 0 

Left Coast Rebel - The Latest From Our Narcissist-in-Chief 

Let The Truth Be Known - Part F_ How Did America Sink So Low:

Legal Insurrection - Herman Cain Occupies #OccupyWallStreet 

Libertarian Republican - Burka-clad Muslim Woman Refuses to Respect U.S. Law and Courtroom Decorum 

Logan's Warning - Muslim Parade ~ Muslim Girls Sing, "For You (Allah) I Give My Life" 

Lone Star Parson - Your Money or Your Life! 

Lonely Is the Nights - Jax's First Gun 

Maggie's Notebook - Bruce Bellott: We Ain't Goin' Away Video: New 'We The People' Song 

Mind Numbed Robot - Radical Islam Infiltrates Federal Government 

Motivation Truth - SarahPAC Video: Restoring America Together 

My Daily Trek - Morgan Freeman: Tea Party Is Racist, They're Out To Get Obama 

Nonsensible Shoes - Keeping a Watchful Eye on Those Occupy Wall Street Efforts 

NoOneOfAnyImport - On Rockgate and Writing Candidates Off 

Obama Cartoons - List Your Blog and Make Obama a One Term President 

Pathetically Incorrect - Mr. Obama... Save Our Country...Resign Now!

Pedaling Fast & Trying To Keep Up - The Last of Warm Weather 

Political Realities - The Debate Over Debit Card Fees 

Proof Positive - Steve Jobs - R.I.P. 

Pundit & Pundette - Free Contraceptives and Morning-after Pills for All? "Darn Tootin'!" 

QUICKWIT - Can You Hear Me Now???????

Randy's Roundtable - Friday Funnies (Afternoon Edition) 

Rational Nation USA - Understanding "Occupy Wall Street"... An Independent Conservative's Perspective 

Reaganite Republican - Get Past the MSM's Bright Candy Coating and You'll Gag on the Stench of Marxism...

Robbing America - America New One-Year Plans 

Saber Point - Steve Jobs, On Living Life To The Fullest 

Sancte Pater - Rick Santorum: Imagine this Family in the White House 

Say Anything Blog - Al Sharpton Doesn't Know That Republicans, Not Democrats Passed The Civil Rights Act 

Standing On My Head - Individualism and Institutions 

Sentry Journal - When Will Traditional Democrats Wake Up and Realize Their Party has Changed? 

Matt of Conservative Hideout at Sentry Journal - Some Thoughts on the "Occupy Wall Street" Protests 

STOP MARXISM - Message To Obama 

That Mr. G Guy's Blog - NY Protester Defecates On Police Car 

The Audacity Of Logic - Facing Execution for the 'Crime" of Being a Christian in Iran 

The Bitter Americans - Thursday Night Links 

The Blog - Charles Napier 1936-2011 

The Catholic Key Blog - Just the Facts - A Review of 'The Way' 

The Catholic Knight - ACTION ALERT - Call Up The Tea Party!!! 

The Conservative Lady - Newsmax Interviews Rick Perry Today - Much Better Performance Than Last Debate

The Country Thinker - At The End of the Tunnel - October 1, 2011 

The Daley Gator - *Videos* Ten Arizona Sheriffs Blast Obama Administration's Murderous Gun-Smuggling Operation 
The Empress Is Naked - Obama's Albatross 

The Hermeneutic of Continuity - Catholic blogging and blogging Catholics 

The Last Tradition - Herman Cain Says OWS Protesters are Picketing the Wrong Place - Try the White House 

The Libertarian Patriot - Come and Get Me Coppers - Federal Reserve To Monitor Social Media 

The Malcontent - Chris Christie Slams Obama During Speech at Reagan Library 

The Observatorium - Infiltration Of Government? 

The Oracular Opinion - Class Warfare - Here We Go Again 

The Other McCain - PAULBOT-MANIA: Ron Paul Supporters Buy Victory in 'Values Voters' Straw Poll

The Republican Mother - Lemon Trees are Now Against the Law 

The Right Guy - Palin Isn't In It

The Scottcarp Dream - Alinski Rules Return for Obama 

The Wisdom Of Soloman - Arizona Diamondbacks Honor Fallen Fan 

The Wyblog - Herman Cain to #OccupyWallStreet Bozos: Get Off Your Butts and Get a Job 

Theblogprof - Video: Maddow Gets It Wrong On GOP Debate Audiences 

TOTUS - Rick Perry's "Niggerhead" Place 

Ubi Petrus, Ibi Ecclesia - Natural Law 

Virtual Mirage - Perjury and Holder's Guns 

Warning Signs - Who are You Calling "Soft"? 

We The People... - Toon of the Day - Sad but True 

Western Hero - Got Bank Card Fees? Thank The Duban Tax!

What Does The Prayer Really Say? - MN Catholic Conference: Catholic Leaders Will Not Be Silenced 

Why I Am Catholic - For Pro-Life Thoughts Inspired By a Food Critic 

Wisdom Of Dave - Obama Committed To America's Decline 

Wolf Files - President Ron Burgandy? 

Woman Honor Thyself - Yom Kippur 

Woodsterman - Hi Jack! 

Zilla Of The Resistance - Grover Norquist's Islamic Supremacist Chicken Have Come Home To Roost 

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