Tuesday, September 6, 2011

MIni Eagle Freedom Links -- 9-6-11

I am going to be doing a series of Mini Eagle Freedom Links for at least this week because I am busier now due to increased hours at work.

Conservative Hideout 2.0 - Despotism vs. Democracy 

Sentry Journal - Friday Ramblings: Squabbling over the scraps 

The Conservative Lady - Hoffa wishes Tea Party a Happy Labor Day 

Robbing America - The Destruction of Money 

Political Realities - Mr. President, Detroit Is Your Example of Economic Success? Seriously? 

Atlas Shrugs - Muslim Consultants Lied to Park Service About Flight 911 Islamic Crescent Memorial 

The Camp of the Saints - Look Out, She's Coming Down Fast 

Maggie's Notebook - Muslims Against Crusades Celebrating September 11, 2001 

Theblogprof - Video of Michele Bachmann to CBS News: 'I'm Not Ashamed To Say I Believe in God' 

American Perspective - Is It Racist To Post Runaway Slave Movie Trailer? 

A Conservative Teacher - Gibson's Guitar Company Harassed By Obama Officials for Something or Other

Bluegrass Pundit - Obama's Middle East 'Peace Partner' Makes Video Honoring Terrorists

Don't Tread On Us - The American Dream

Left Coast Rebel - Obama's Vitriol and The Era of Antipathy 

Let The Truth Be Known - Funtime Videos Presents Sometimes No Words are Needed

Zilla Of The Resistance - Not Safe To Pray in Church, Not Safe To Pray at Home - No Refuge From the Jihad

Catholic Lane - School Choice Gains Traction 

The American Catholic - God Bless The USA!

Conservatives On Fire - Game Over! Time To Forgive And Forget 

Townhall.com - Obama's Solyndra-Gate Won't Go Away

Hot Air - Of family decline and the importance of traditions 

Obama Cartoons - From "Larry, The Cable Guy" 

American Thinker - The New Libyan Regime Protecting The Lockerbie Bomber 

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