Thursday, July 21, 2011

So, What's The Big Deal About Migraines? Liberals Making a Mountain Out of A Molehill

On Wednesday Michele Bachmann acknowledged to the press that she does in fact take medication to treat her migraine headaches. She said,"[l]ike nearly 30 million other Americans."  

 Bachmann released a letter from the attending physician of Congress to vouch for her health and ability.

Chris Heller of the National Journal posted some pictures of famous Americans with Migraines.  Here are a few examples:  

The liberals are making a mountain out of a molehill out of this.  She deals with migraine headaches which doesn't affect her work.  She answered the reporter's questions.  She provided a letter by her doctor which states that she is in overall good health and only gets the migraines infrequently.  Case closed.  This is a heck of a lot more than we know about Obama's health.  Liberals get over the fact that Bachmann is fit for command, to lead this country.  

Liberals stop making a mountain out of a molehill

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