Wednesday, June 29, 2011

EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS -- 6-29-11 -- Styx/REO Speedwagon


American Perspective - Bachmann announces candidacy, fighting off Chris Wallace and Archie Bunker on Obama and liberal progressives....

America's Watchtower - Did Barack Obama violate Federal election laws by announcing a raffle while in the White House? 

Amusing Bunni's Musings - Boston Mobster Whitey Bulger Was Protected, Why Has He Now Been Caught?

It Don't Make Sense - Polly Want a Liver Transplant?   and Peter Falk - RIP

A Catholic View - Pro-lifers want cigarette-style warning labels for abortions

A Western Heart - Mark Steyn on Free Speech

Abigail and Dolley - Bridesmaids - The Movie  

Acts of the Apostasy - College Democrats of America Reveal Themselves 

Adrienne's Corner - The economy is in the toilet... and Next Up...

Allied Liberty News - Lower Gasoline Prices Predicted - Why? 

Always On Watch - More Outrageous Behavior from the TSA 

Atlas Shrug - UN Names North Korea Chair of Arms Control Agency 

Battle Beads Blog - Please Offer Reparation To The Sacred Heart

BBCW - Obama pushes a $600 billion tax hike 

Beer, Bicycles, and the VRWC - Tapping the Strategic Reserve 

Beer, Guns, and Baseball - What Would happen Without Welfare? 

Beers With Demo - Campaign Finance Reform: yet another in the long list of unintended consequences 

Blog de King Shamus - Why is the Government So Spendaholic?

Blowing San #1 - New York Catholics: BOHICA! 

Bluegrass Pundit - The Mainstream Media failed to cover Obama's Medal of Honor Gaffe but are all over Michelle Bachmann's John Wayne Gaffe 

Bread Upon the Waters - Panis Angelicus (Bread of Angels) - Oksana Lepska 

Can We Keep Our Republic? - Save the Planet 

Catholic Fire - Lila Rose Interviewed on Huckabee: New Campaign to Stand With Indiana Starts Now

Catholic Once Again - Head Coverings at Catholic Mass 

Catholibertarian - Was The Declaration of Independence Derived From Churchmen Continued?

Caught Him With A Corndog - Requiem for a sheep 

Christian Conservative - Congressional Poem 

Christian Fearing God-Man - Why I Can't Be a Libertarian 

Commentarama - Video Game Violence: What about the parents?!

Common Cents - Our Sister Site = The Internet Radio Network 

Conservatives On Fire - The Balkanization of the United States

Conservative Hideout 2.0 - Some Thoughts On Human History, and Progressives  and Is The Kentucky GOP Trying To Keep The Tea Party Out? 

Conservative Perspective - The Flash Mob Attack - How To Defend? Speak Their Language

Conservatives 4 Palin - The Iowa Republican: More Than a Movie Debut; Updated 

Creative Minority Report - Sex Change Surgery for 1-5 Year Old Girls 

Creeping Sharia - DOJ Sued For Documents Detailing Decision Not To Prosecute Islamist Extremist CAIR Founder 

Deacon For Life - Swedish Preschool Devoted to Producing Androgynous Children 

Domine, da mihi hanc aquam! - The Best catholic Books 

Don't Tread On Us - I'm The Extremist?  and Darwin's Fairy Tale: Part 1 

Eye Of Polyphemus - Social Values Still Matter 

Fleece Me - Progressives Really Are Ignorant and When You Stand For Nothing, You Fall For Obama 

Fuzzy Logic - How's that HopeandChange Working Out For Ya? 

Generational Dysfunction - Blagojevich goes down! 

Greg Mankiw's Blog - How To Waste $600 Million 

Guy Average - Dream Act: Obama Passes Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants by Executive Order 

Hack Wilson - Gender Neutral social experiments on children by liberals= child abuse - Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Chokes on Her Own Charges 

HotAirPundit - City of Eugene, Oregon says Saying the Pledge of Allegiance is Divisive

Hyphenated-American -- Obama's War  

Innominatus - Barry Big pile o'junk 

Jo-Joe Politico - A Penny Earned 

Just A Conservative Girl - Language Matters 

Just An Artist - The Ladies are Back in Action 

Left Coast Rebel - Q2E Ends, but feds plan to buy another $300 billion in government debt 

Left-footer - Ballade to Our Lady of Czestochowa - by Hilaire Belloc

Let The Truth Be Known - Part V - A & B - What We Must Do To Take Back and Save the United States and UK Khilafah Conference on 9th July 

Legal Insurrection - Does Dane County Sheriff have conflict in Prosser-Bradley Investigation? 

Lisa Graas - Cuomo's No Thomas More, But Dowd Is Jack Chick 

Logan's Warning - Muslims Fighting Anti-Sharia Legislation on Capitol Hill, While Muslims Teaching Sharia in America!

Lone Star Parson - States' Rights 

Lonely Is The Nights - Redneck Logic 

Maggie's Notebook - Peoria Illinois: Gangs Chant We Need To kill All White People - Fifth Time!

Mind Numbed Robot - Obama's Legacy

Motivation Truth - Hannity Interviews Bristol Palin  

Musings of a Vast Right-Winger -  Concealed Carry Law "Restores Dose of Constitutionalism"  

My Daily Trek - Delta Airlines Partnership Highlights Discriminatory Saudi Arabian Travel Policy 

Nonsensible Shoes - This is about 2012 - Part 3 

NoOneOfAnyImport - We Know That His Name and Legacy Will Forever

Obama Cartoons - Obama Ears 

Orthometer - Bad Vicar

Pathetically Incorrect - Same As It Ever Was... Only The Date Has Changed  

Political Realities - Ron Paul For President in 2012?

Proof Positive - Themes Like Old Times  and No class bum busted for 'pretending' to be soldier for first-class upgrade 

Pundit & Pundette - Sexual Identity: Another Hill To Die On 

QUICKWIT - Taxes.... Politics.... Religion.....

Randy's Roundtable - Obamamerica 

Rational Nation USA - Property Rights vs. Progressive Statism 

Reaganite Republican - Reaganite's Sunday Funnies and Geert Wilders: Innocent of 'Hate Crimes' Charges in the Netherlands 

Right Klik - Obama's Crank Yankers Call To Harass Your Doc 

Robbing America - The Recession That Wasn't 

Saber Point - "Climate Change" Madness Skewered by Brit James Delingpole 

Sancte Pater - Federal Judge: Life Begins At Conception 

Self Evident Truths - New York Gay Marriage Cartoon 

Sentry Journal - Exposing Evil: Abortion and Hope Floats? 

Servant and Steward - Israeli ambassador gives into pressure 

Standing On My Head - The Encounter With Christ 

Stop Marxism - Still Impossible To Debate About Islam 

Talk Wisdom - Fox News Purposely Sabotaging Palin 

The Audacity Of Logic - Obama's Release of Oil Reserves Just makes Our Energy Problems Worse, Not Better 

The Blog - Man Of La Marx 

The Born Again Americans - Curtain Needs to Close on "Davis Bacon Act" 

The Catholic Knight - War Within The Vatican 

The Camp Of The Saints - Thorn Flakes

The Conservative Lady - It Still Matters...Just As Much As Ever 

The Country Thinker - Why The Supreme Court Said "NO" To Judicial Cap-and-Trade 

The Daley Gator - N.J. Governor Christie Signs Bill Forcing Public Workers To Pay Their Fair Share For Health Insurance, Pensions

The Right Guy - 135 Years Ago Today

The Humble Libertarian - Supreme Court Upholds Free Speech in California and Arizona First Amendment Decisions 

The Last Tradition - Glenn Beck and His Wife Can't Watch a Movie in Bryant Park Without Being Harassed by Idiot Liberals 

The Libertarian Patriot - DeMint, Lee, Paul, Offer Bill To Begin Restoring Sound Money

The Naked Ontologist - An Encounter With Sedevacantism - Part 1: Mugged by Joe Cool

The Observatorium - Getting Soft

The Other McCain - Video: Hey, the Economy Sucks 

The Oracular Opinion - Patriotism is Alive! Hoo-Rah!

The Scottcarp Dream - Becks Exact Warning Dangerous Left Coalitions; Farrakhan, Cynthia McKinney

Ubi Petrus, Ibi Ecclesia - The Basis of Morality 

Warning Signs - Liberals Exit Stage Left

We The People... - Once Again... Allen West

What Does The Prayer Really Say? - Dissent Into Hell - Fr. Z Rants

 Why I Am Catholic - How Star Trek Should Have Ended 

Woman Honor Thyself - Same Sex Marriage Legalized in NY

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