Sunday, February 27, 2011

EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS -- 2-27-11 - In Remembrance of Eric Graff Rest in Peace

I have some very sad news to inform everyone.  It is very sad and shocking news since he posted a comment on my blog and about 4-6 hours or so before I saw this post on Eric Graff's blog saying this: Eric W. Graff born Dec. 14th 1959, died Feb. 24th 2011.  I knew that he had been having some health troubles this past year but did not realize it was this serious.  My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.  God rest his soul.  Here is a link to his site if you would like to leave a thought or two to his family -

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Sig94 says its Time to grow a pair 

A Conservative Teacher posts on His conversation with Karl Rove

A Patriotic Rottweiler posts Moron of the day = doctors from Madison Wisconsin

Adrienne's Corner says Gov. Walker has displayed admirable restraint

LOYAL TO LIBERTY posts Bipartisan Spending Junkies

Allied Liberty News posts The value of "stuff" 

Anonymous Political Scientist posts his Take on young Obama's Marxism 

Another Black Conservative posts Democrats propose "lockbox" for social security again. 

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BBCW posts that Pelosi  edits DNC praise of Nancy Pelosi through her daughter

Beers, Bicycles, and VRWC posts that one governor thinks Our Children's Future depends on irresponsible spending.

Blowing San #1 asks us to Please Pray for this family

Bluegrass Pundit posts Global Warming scam: follow the money

Bluepitbull posts 9 million and counting  

Bread Upon Waters posts Troops machine gun Libyan children, Obama parties; Newt says "pink slip Eric Holder"  

Can We Keep Our Republic? posts The shores of Tripoli 

Catholic Fire posts Thrilla in Manila: Fighting the culture of death in the Philippines 

Common Cents shows us More liberal hatred: racist leftists attack black Tea Party member

Conservative Hideout asks Who are the parents, and who are the children? 

Conservative Perspective asks Your camel breakdown? Time for an Arabic hybrid, plus - 'daily show' tortures a camel

Conservative Scalawag posts on The new age of civility, or not. 

Creative Minority Report says Dear Mr. Boehner: We're not here for moral victories. 

Crime, Guns, and Videotape posts on Cops suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome

Deacon for Life posts International Committee gives award to Chile for successful protection of mothers and unborn babies 

Diary of a Right Wing Loving Pussycat posts on Hillary Clinton, communist loving libtard

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Eye of Polyphemus posts A more perfect dis-union 

Generational Dysfunction posts that Rush Limbaugh nails the double standard

Greg Mankiw's Blog gives the Tax fact of the day

Hack Wilson posts that Political correctness has made its way into the US military 

Innominatus posts The 'how much random junk I can put in one post?' post

Jo-Joe Politico says Isn't that just ducky?

Just a Conservative Girl posts The Acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. 

Just a Man With His Thoughts posts A Beauty to ride with, a beauty to fight with

Just an Artists shows us Fun in Big D 

Left Coast Rebel asks Was America founded as a Christian nation? 

Let The Truth Be Known posts Angina News wake up America

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Lonely is the Night posts Why Arabs throw rocks

Maggie's Notebook posts Gingrich: Obama didn't understand his action was unconstitutional 

Mind Numbed Robot posts Democrats lust for power at any cost

Motivation Truth posts Governor Palin: Here's to Libya's freedom 

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My Daily Trek posts Obama says he will no longer defend marriage law

New Zeal posts Stop Obama's union bosses

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No Sheeples Here posts Pouring Money and fury into the fight

Obama Cartoons shows us the Biggest welfare recipient

Patrick Madrid posts 144,000: What's in a number? not you, for one thing

Patriot's Corner says Get ready for the new Muslim invasion 

Political Realities posts on An examination of right to work 

Prolife Defender posts Presidential candidate Randall Terry supports Sean Hannity's call for counter rally at WH 

Proof posts "Move On" whistles by the graveyard - "Wow" 

Pundit and Pundette posts Saturday reads 

Quickwit posts Let me see your papers....

Randy's Roundtable posts A real man steps up 

Rational Nation USA posts SPLC slanders Pamela Geller 

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Robbing America posts The Economist: Obama's budget proposal a "cop-out"

The Reaganite Republican posts Nervous Dictators from Ryadh to Havana rushing out populist concessions while quietly preparing for the worst 

Right Klik posts I am Mitch Daniels, hear me purr!

Sentry Journal shows us that It takes a village of useful idiots to fundamentally transform America 

Self Evident Truths shows us Andrew Klavan: Multiculturalism explained

Standing on my Head posts Bad Catholics guide 

Stop Marxism posts on Inhumane treatment of elderly patients on UK health care

The Audacity of Logic posts Planned Parenthood poised to take a very hard fall - and it should

The Blog posts on a Motown Par-Tay 

The Camp of the Saints posts Today's moment of irony 

The Catholic Key Blog posts Carrie Nation, Kathleen Sebelius, and hating Phill Kline 

The Conservative Lady posts that The Obama admin blocking 103 Gulf drilling permits 

The Guy in the Window posts that Egyptian armed forced fired at monasteries, 19 injured

The Libertarian Patriot says The sides have been chosen

The Other McCain posts a Texas Terror update

The Malcontent posts Saudi man arrested in Texas on WMD charge, targeted President Bush

The Observatorium posts Social Justice Christianity 

The Scottcarp Dream posts The Warrior bard: the pleasure police move in 

TheBlogProf posts Awesome video: One guest absolutely destroys entire MSNBC panel on Obama's incompetence on foreign policy 

Trestin Meacham posts on Hunger and socialist policies 

Virtual Mirage asks Is Gadhafi a dead duck? 

We The People .... shows us Things we won't see on MSNBC: number 1 

WDTPRS posts on Creepy homosexual demonstration at Chicago's Holy Name Cathedral 

Woman Honor Thyself suggests to BUY Geert Wilders book 

Woodsterman says It's time to start caring about husbands 

Amusing Bunni's Musings posts Secrets of Foamy the squirrel's cult 

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