Tuesday, June 14, 2011

EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS -- 6-14-11 -- America


American Perspective -- Will Hillary Rise as Obama Goes Down?  and Jon Stewart Gratuitous Weiner Sex Scandal Segment 

 Amusing Bunni's Musings -- Now, For Something Completely Different :-)

Atlas Shrugs -- Disintegrating Civilization: Police "Covered Up" Brutal Muslim Violence To Turn London Area "Islamic" 
A Conservative Teacher -- Democrat Energy Policies Continue Their Assault on Wealth and Jobs 

A Western Heart -- His Grace is a Rare Anglican

Acts Of The Apostasy -- Calling The Archbishop's Bluff 

Adrienne's Corner -- Facing The Facts About Health Insurance

Allied Liberty News -- UN "Small Arms Treaty" Set Up To Bypass 2nd Amendment and Separated at Birth: Anthony Weiner's Long Lost Twin!!!

Always On Watch -- Video: The Obama Legacy 

Another Black Conservative -- Video: Obama Jokes about "Shovel Ready" Projects 

Barking Spider -- A Note To Islamic Extremists Everywhere 

Battle Beads Blog -- More "Change" You Can "Believe" (?!) In? 

BBCW -- Obama Gives Israel 30 Days To Return Borders To Pre 1967 

Beers, Guns, and Baseball -- Do We Need Government To Pay For Scientific Research? 

Big Blue Wave -- 'I Was Raped and Left Pregnant at 16... But I Still Love My Baby'

Black Or White Is A Choice -- The Pseudo Pres Should Listen To More Country Music

Blowing San #1 -- Gun Control Doublespeak at It's Finest...

Bluegrass Pundit -- Palin Email Fishing Expedition Actually Makes Her Look Good

Bread Upon The Waters -- Trivia Pursuit: How Many New Jobs Did Legal Immigrants Absorb in May? 

Can We Keep Our Republic? -- Is NATO Irrelevant? 

Catholibertarian -- Light Bulbs vs. The Nanny State

Catholic Once Again -- Ascension of The Lord and Why We Evangelize

Caught Him With A Corndog -- Weighing In On Weiner 

Commentarama -- Boeing! Boeing! Boeing! Here Comes Issa  

Common Cents -- Mitt Romney Commercial: "Bump In The Road"

Confessions Of A Constitutional Crusader -- Herman Cain Music Video. Vote Reason Number Six

Conservative Hideout 2.0 -- Media Matters Fakes Own Hoax  and Conservatism: What It Is and Why It Is Needed

Conservative Perspective -- Forced Unionism Bad For Labor, Michigan

Conservatives 4 Palin -- Even The Huffington Post Concedes that Palin's E-Mails Show that Her Writing Ability is At the Same Level As a Corporate Executive/Open Thread

Conservatives On Fire -- This Week Rep. Issa Untaps The Stink At DOJ 

Creative Minority Report -- Rick Perry Smacks Up Obama On Abortion 

Diary Of A Right Wing Peace Loving Pussycat -- Michelle Bachmann!!!!!!!!

Domine, da mihi hanc aquam! -- Response To Pervasive Liturgical Responses 

Don't Tread On Us -- Out Of Africa  and Why Socialism Fails 4

Eye Of Polyphemus -- Aimee Teegarden  and Formspring Question #184-Body and Soul Edition 

Faith Of Our Fathers -- Exclusive: Santorum Outlines Campaign Vision, Says Religion is Essential To Democracy

Fuzzy Logic -- Rebutting The BO is A Genius Meme

Generational Dysfunction -- Sarah's Letter To Family, Upon Trig's Birth 

Hack Wilson -- George W. Bush 

HolyCoast.com -- Boeing and South Carolina to NLRB: Sit On It 

Innominatus -- Not Enough Angry 

It Don't Make Sense -- Operation Fast and Furious - Agent Brian Terry  and Jesus Saves, Sharia Kills 

Jim McMahon-Chicago -- Abolish The United Nations 

Jo-Joe Politico -- Sunday Respite-Mercy Came Runnin' - Phillips, Craig and Dean 

Just A Conservative Girl -- America, Faith, and the Moral Compass 

Just An Artist -- Squirrel Melts 

Left Coast Rebel -- Alabama Governor Signs Tough Immigration Law

Let The Truth Be Known -- What We Must Do To Take Back and Save The United States Part I and Part II 

Legal Insurrection -- So Now All These People Will Apologize to Sarah Palin About Margaret Thatcher, Right?

Lisa Graas -- Santorum: Obama "Has Embraced Our Enemies" 

Lone Star Parson -- High Church 

Lonely Is The Night -- New Yard Sign 

Maggie's Notebook -- Anthony Weiner Gym Photos (Taxpayer Funded Gym) - Disgusting, Outrageous and The Eternal Covenant 

Mind Numbed Robot -- The War on God: Federal Judge Bans Prayer at Texas Graduation; Threatens Jail Time 

Motivation Truth -- Stephen Bannon Talks to Sean Hannity About "The Undefeated" 

Musings Of a Vast Right-Winger -- Crony Capitalism and Obama's Anti-Coal Crusade 

My Daily Trek -- Man Rips Up TFP Marriage Banner in NY

Nikon Sniper -- Racing Through Lake Powell Canyons 

No Sheeples Here -- Fishing For Moby Dick With a Cane Pole 

Nonsensible Shoes -- Must Read George Will Column 

NoOneOfAnyImport -- My First Movie Review 

Obama Cartoons -- Bump in the Road 

Othometer -- Quote Of The Decade!

Pathetically Incorrect -- I Have No Time For Palestine... And I Never Will  and Obama's Chickens Have Come Home To Roost... Or Is that Roast?

Political Realities -- Character Defects Can't Be Remedied by Political Correctness

Proof Positive -- Rick Monday Saves Flag from Burning  and Harold Camping suffers Stroke 

Pundit & Pundette -- The Real Monsters 

Quickwit -- Obama's Nuclear Politics 

Randy's Roundtable -- Did The Media Scour Obamacare This Way? 

Rational Nation USA -- Increased EPA Regulations and Resulting Economic Uncertainty/Increased Job Loss

Reaganite Republican -- Reaganite's Sunday Funnies and Amazing Friday Fish Story...

Right Klik -- CNN GOP Debate: The Grades are in...

Robbing America -- Who Needs Mideast Oil? 

Self Evident Truths -- Leftist Fixations, or, Why Can't they Leave Sarah Palin Alone? 

Sentry Journal -- Anthony Weiner is a Sad Excuse for a Congressman; but you know what's sadder...  and Case of the Mundays 6-13

Stop Marxism -- Democrats Brought About the Financial Crisis 

The Audacity of Logic -- The Time To Act is Now!

The Bitter Americans -- Debating The Patriot Act

The Black Sphere -- Kansas City Containing Minorities 

The Blog -- Doberman Shepherd

The Born Again Americans -- Recycle Sunday, Liberalism - Political Dyslexia  and Keeping An Eye on The Enemy 

The Camp Of The Saints -- The Narcissist I (Now) know  and Get Dan Riehl A Tissue: The Undefeated

The Conservative Lady -- Obama Gives Netanyahu An Ultimatum 

The Country Thinker -- Whether Weiner Should Resign is Up to All of Us - Not Just His Constituents 

The Daley Gator -- Raising Cain 2012! Cain Smacks Down "African-American" Label

The Libertarian Patriot -- Jim Rogers -"It's Gonna be Worse the Next Time Around" 

The Malcontent -- There is No Shame in American Any Longer 

The Other McCain -- Breaking: David Brooks Is A Douchebag

The Wisdom Of Soloman -- Friday Night: A Little Fun, and a Prayer for Peace 

The Wyblog -- A Feminist's Response to #Weinergate - Women Should Run the World 

Theblogprof -- Happy Flag Day! Commemorating the Adoption of the United States Flag in 1777

TOTUS -- Mississippi Nuked and 101st Airborne, Shifty

Virtual Mirage -- European Socialism - An American Future? 

Warning Signs -- No Short Term Middle East Solutions 
We The People... -- Happy Birthday US Army 

What Does The Prayer Really Say? -- A Liturgical, Biblical Treasure Hunt

Why I Am Catholic -- To Pray For The Christians in Egypt 

Wofat Rides Again -- New Lambert Novel 

Wolf Files -- Your Government Working for You: Decimated House has "Insufficient Damage" for Fema Aid

Woman Honor Thyself -- Violent Izlam Whitewashed Schools 

Woodsterman -- The News... Woodsterman Style  and I'm A Man and I Can Fix That... Again

Zilla Of The Resistance -- "Forget Your Daughters" 

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