Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sick.... So here's some snippets of articles

Oh my! Polar Bears not endangered?  Global warming ecofascists must be highly disappointed about that reality.
From American Thinker:
One of the iconic images of global warming that is supposed to make us feel guilty enough to bankrupt our economy by giving in to various carbon schemes is that of the pathetic polar bear alone in the middle of the ocean on a rapidly shrinking ice floe. We are told that the poor creature is going extinct because the ice is melting and his usual feeding on seals is no longer possible. Continued

Does race matter? Is America colorblind or not?  It doesn't seem to be colorblind under Obama. 

From: American Thinker:

The fanciful idea of living in a colorblind society is one of the greatest impediments to sophisticated discussions about race in America.  If there is going to be a soothing of racial tensions in American society, there first has to be an understanding that race -- albeit a social construct based on some biological realities --exists and matters, and it is not just a vestigial figment of centuries-old white racism.
   It is axiomatic that race is a part of our social reality; however, where we need more discussion is on precisely where race matters.  The fundamental problem with race in America today is that we have a band of profiteering, country-trotting black liberals claiming that race matters in all the areas where it clearly does not. 

Pope Benedict's address was on Catherine of Bologna: Spiritual Weapons Against Evil. 

From DFW Catholic: The Holy Father dedicated his catechesis during today’s general audience, held in the Paul VI Hall in the presence of 8,000 people, to St. Catherine of Bologna (1413-1463).

Born to a noble family in the Italian city of Bologna, at the age of ten she moved to Ferrara where she entered the court of Niccolo III d’Este as a maid of honour. There she received a very careful education which would later serve her during her monastic life when “she used the cultural and artistic knowledge acquired over those years to great advantage”, the Pope said.
In 1427, at the age of fourteen, she left the court to dedicate herself to religious life in a community of young women. Two years later the leader of this group founded an Augustinian convent, but Catherine and a number of others preferred Franciscan spirituality and transformed the community into Poor Clares. Continued
It is quite obvious nowadays that public schools and common sense just don't mix.  Here is one more example of a school overreacting big time and where the so called protection is much worse than the "crime".   Do mistakes, mix ups, or accidents happen anymore?  This is ludicrous! 
From Hot Air: 
Suspended for the school year and charged with misdemeanor possession of a weapon on school grounds. And by “weapon,” I of course mean … a paring knife.
Just one question: Is it true?
Smithwick said personnel found the knife while searching the belongings of several students, possibly looking for drugs. She said the lunchbox really belonged to her father, Joe Smithwick, who packs a paring knife to slice his apple. He and his daughter have matching lunchboxes…
Lee County Schools Superintendent Jeff Moss said in a statement on Wednesday that the 3-inch-long knife was found in the teen’s purse, not her lunchbox. The search was conducted on Oct. 20 after a faculty member at the school discovered a student on campus with marijuana…
“She is currently enrolled as a student at the school,” Moss said.
The teen told WRAL News that she was initially given a 10-day suspension, then received notice that she was suspended the rest of the school year.
“Over two months after the event it is a mystery to us that the Smithwick’s concerns were not brought to our attention by the family through normal appeal procedures prior to going to the press,” Moss said.



Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gandolfini & 50 Cent Come to Travelers' Aid After East Coast Blizzard

From Fox News:

The wicked snowstorm that pounded the East Coast earlier this week managed to bring out the best in a few Good Samaritan celebs this week. This is great! What nice, good-hearted people. 

“Sopranos” star James Gandolfini came to the rescue of a stricken motorist in his New York City neighborhood Monday night, the New York Post reports.

The actor, who lives in the neighborhood, spent 45 minutes helping to dig and push out the stranger’s car.

Gandolfini kept the holiday spirit going by popping into a local bar to break change of a $100 bill. He then passed out $20 bills to the other people who helped him to dig out the motorist.

According to the bar owner Phil Casaceli, Gandolfini was a “real gentleman.”

But he wasn’t the only star shedding his tough guy image to help folks out.

Rapper 50 Cent Tweeted his plans to earn an extra few bucks Monday.

“I’m going out to shovel snow and see if I can make me a few extra dollars today. I’m charging more if they want to take pictures,” he wrote.

50 said he wanted $100 per house and managed to convince four neighbors to pay it. He also enlisted the help of some neighborhood kids for $30 an hour.

"One is a cute kid he has on a snow suit. So I'm sending him to ring the door bell to ask if we can shovel there snow… When you look at his eyes its hard to tell him no." he Tweeted.

"Then I come to tell them how much they have to pay us. Lol," he Tweeted.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

On Homosexuality and the Repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell: Tolerance or Subversion?

This morning I read an article by Star Parker called Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Repeal a Mistake and this spurred some thoughts of mine on the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell  and homosexuality in general also. With the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell our moral compass reaches a new low,  the Left has succeeded in accelerating the moral decay of this country, with removing religious moral absolutes from our culture as to say that there is no right way to engage in sexual relations.  What’s next?  Is Congress going to declare that children having sexual relations with adults is okay?  Or that persons engaging in sexual relations with animals because it makes them feel good is acceptable also?  Well, the “main stream” of America would have us believe that if something feels good to a person that it is acceptable.  Does the same go for a person who went on a robbing spree because this makes them feel good and they have mommy or daddy issues society should accept this as the norm?  This is how the slippery slope starts.  Where does this slippery slope end with these immoral liberals?  This Congress has given its brand of approval to a socially disordered act - homosexual acts.   These people can’t seem to grasp the concept of separating the person from the act.  Leftists think that if you label the act as disordered or bad that you are labeling the person as disordered or bad.   Do these people think the same of alcoholics?  Are we supposed to accept the lifestyle of alcoholics just to avoid offending their insensitivities?  Do some life circumstances make some individuals more susceptible to become alcoholics than others?  Is it possible that some life circumstances could cause some individuals to me more susceptible to engaging in homosexual acts than others?   If an  individual is around a drunk and abused by a drunk aren’t they more apt to become an alcoholic also?   If a person is molested by his/her father there could be two reactions depending on the gender of the child who is molested.  If a male is molested by his father the son could think that it was his fault and feel bad because he enjoyed it so later in life because of his being predisposed to homosexual activity he turns to homosexual activity and thinks it to be acceptable.  Remember that the female and male body have different chemical make ups so they will react to this type of trauma differently.  A female child who is molested by her father may feel unclean and  blame herself for what happened against her will and since she feels unclean may perceive all sexual relations between men as wrong or disordered.  This stigmatizes both the female and male.  The woman turns to women for love and guidance the type she should have received from her father,  experiences acceptance and love from other women, chooses to experiment sexually with those women and enjoys it.   It was her choice. She wasn’t forced.  She perceives that to be love because her father engaging in sexual activity with her wasn’t love and she probably thinks its going to be this way for her with all men.  Who could blame her for thinking this after the trauma she experienced?   Instead of giving her/him therapy for healing the mind, body, and soul we are told by our society that these persons’ disordered actions which are in response to other disordered behavior are “acceptable” instead of treating the whole problem.  According to the Left “mainstream” America should treat the subversive as normal.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ben Johnson Discusses Special Treatment for Islam and Al "racial ambulance chaser" Sharpton on Speech

Hawkins of Big Journalism points out that Rush Limbaugh was correct when he stated that Pelosi and Hoyer were moving Rep. Clyburn, a black democrat, to the back of the bus in order to guarantee that they, two white folks, would hold the key positions on the Democrat side of the House. Hawkins also points out the hypocrisy of Al "racial ambulance chaser" Sharpton accusing Limbaugh of "race-baiting".   Sharpton is the person who is guilty of race-baiting.

Bob Hope Christmas Special 1968

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Royal Wedding China Unveiled

The three china pieces, a plate, a cup and a pill box were all personally approved by the prince and his fiancée.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Is Christmas a dirty word?

According to the far Leftist NPR it is.  I found this story over at Gateway Pundit. NPR is now apologizing for using the word Christmas.  These people are anti-Christian bigots. The fact that they feel the need to apologize to their listening public for them using the word Christmas is ludicrous and means that they are ashamed of Christ, who is the reason for CHRISTmas.  Yes, Jesus is the reason for the season.  Gee... NPR doesn't want to offend any other sect of our society but oh sure, go ahead and offend Christians by disrespecting Christ and his birth.  These leftist Christian bigots don't mind bending over backwards for every other religion out there but don't care one iota about offending Christians time after time.  This is so sickening! This is yet one more example of Christian persecution in our society.  Here is Nina Totenberg apologizing for recognizing Christ and saying the word Christmas.  You bet your sweet bippy that she wouldn't be apologizing for saying Happy Ramadan.  Our tax dollars should not be funding anti-Christian bigotry. If NPR thinks their programming is so wonderful then they should be able to find the necessary funding to keep afloat. If not, then oh well. There would be no great loss in losing far Leftist channels who are by far out to the left of main stream America.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS -- Christmas Style -- 12-19-10

As I was searching across the internet for Christmas pics of eagles or anything with relation to Christmas and eagles I found this video which I think you will enjoy. It's cute and inspirational.

Amusing Bunni's Musings brings us some Christmas help.

Yankee Phil asks why the pat downs if they keep failing?

Woodsterman Too shows us the twelve days of winter.

American Perspective informs us that Bethlehem tourism is up.

Goomba News Network posts American thermidor.

A Catholic View tells us about a great response to Barbara Walters' ignorance.

A Patriotic Rottweiler asks where is 9 trillion of our taxpayer money?

A Western Heart posts on the red cross banning Christmas.

Allied Liberty posts on Obama fundamentally transforming the golf rule book.

Always On Watch has posted a Christmas musical interlude.

America! Oh How We'll Miss You! shows us a politician admitting that government is the problem.

Emerging Corruption posts how dems slip bringing terrorists to US Prisons in defense bill.

Barking Spider shows us a Lord Monckton interview with Alex Jones.

Woman Honor Thyself posts on how women dress in the workplace.

WDTPRS shows us a video on Marxist nuns and has a poll on the subject.

Virtual Mirage asks will rule 5 destroy Fox News?

Trestin Meacham tells us another reason why socialism fails.

BBCW shows us the American Dream trailer.

Beers, Bicycles posts on the next president of the United States?

Big Blue Wave shows us Pro-life art.

Bluepitbull posts no good deed goes unpunished in the modern world.

TOTUS posts that Harry Reid suffers defeat.

Theblogprof  posted members of Obama's debt panel: government caused financial crisis.

The Wisdom of Soloman asks Why can't we be more like socialist Europe?

The Right Guy posts on Big sis, the Fed, and Wikileaks: What should we be afraid of?

Bread Upon the Waters posted a song called, I sure do like those Christmas cookies, babe.

Conservative Perspective posted a song called, I believe in father Christmas.

Conservative Hideout has a post on illegal immigrants and controlling our borders.

Conservative Scalawag posts about an 11- year old defends home.

Creative Minority Report shows us the digital story of the nativity.  

The watcher says Yes, there is hope.

The Malcontent posts on Santa Claus being given the axe.

The Guy in the Window gives us this update: South Korea postpones exercises.

The Conservative Lady posts Condi Rice, you go girl!

The Catholic Knight shows about the first approved Marian apparition in the U.S.A.

The Blog asked the question Got Christ?

DRScoundrels posted on Internet freedom- exit stage LEFT.

DeanO posts on the ACLU's not-so-holy Trinity.

Eye of Polyphemus posts on the manufactured victimization of Bradley Manning.

Fuzzy Logic posted Deja Vu: duck and cover "new" policy for nuclear attack.

Greg Mankiw posted some econ books for young children.

Hack Wilson posted on Al Sharpton wanting totalitarian control over the internet.

Hyphenated-American says some things never change...

Innominatus posts Barry satisfying meal.

The Audacity of Logic posts on the Bill of Rights.

Talk Wisdom posts on a genuine, brave American hero.

STOP MARXISM shows Austrian MP Ewald Stadler who fights radical Islamic terrorists.  

Standing on my Head posts on Apologia.

Solid Rock or Sinking Sand posts on playing the hate card.

Self Evident Truths posts disrespect: a modern plague of selfishness.

Right Wing Extreme posts the Joke of the week.

JimMcMahon Posts Ooh-Rah Marine.

Jo-Joe Politico shows us nice people, those Muslims.

Just a Conservative Girl posts on Hooters, kids, and parental choice.

Just An Artist shows us a doggie Christmas surprise.

Left Coast Rebel posts DREAM mightmare shot down in congress.

Let The Truth Be Known wishes everyone a Merry Christmas.

Lone Star Parson posts on Dawkins - the peerless stinker.

Reaganite Republican posts Reagan's speech at the 1976 Republican convention.

Rational Nation USA shows us a description of the state of politics... in 2010

Randy's Roundtable posts Faith.

Random Musings by Cliff shows us an interviews with SS Officer Dr, Bernhard Frank.

QUICKWIT asks How much to run a school?

Proof Positive gives us Quote du jour.

Sentry Journal is John Carey and Right Hand Man's new site.  It looks great!

Classic Liberal posted on inflation in history.

Pedaling Fast & Trying to Keep Up posted Don't tread on me - Utah Style.

Pathetically Incorrect has the perfect solution to the body scanners.

Obama Cartoons posted Wikileaks: treason or patriotism

No Sheeples Here posted Somthin' 4 Mutton" Christmas began in the heart of God.

Political Realities posted on Earmarks and Pork & asked one and the same or not?

Mind Numbed Robot posted brings us Musical rule 5: Fiona Apple.  

The Other McCain asks Julian Assange, Victim?

Musings of a Vast Right-Winger posts ten democrats we're happy to see defeated.

My Daily Trek says Michelle Obama doesn't believe parents are capable.

My Thoughts on Freedom asks Do you hate the State?

Nikon Sniper welcomes Javey Elizabeth Baird.

Maggie's Notebook posts on the Feds forcing a bank to remove crosses and bible verse. 

Feed Your ADHD posts great satire McConnell Killed by rogue vegetables. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Ronald Reagan Stamp Unveiling

Here is the video of the Ronald Reagan stamp unveiling:

The Gipper's commemorative stamp will officially be released on Feb. 10 on the 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan's birth. According to The Washington Times, "Texas artist Bart Forbes created the portrait, based on a 1985 photograph of Reagan taken at Rancho del Cielo, near Santa Barbara, Calif."

This is a wonderful commemoration for a man who was truly one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States.

Here is a picture of the stamp:

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Ruling Elites Wage War on Morality Via Homosexualization

By: Robert Knight:
As the nation lurches back toward well-founded suspicion of big government, the ruling elites are putting the pedal to the metal against the moral foundations.

In a matter of months, three liberal federal judges struck down California's constitutional marriage amendment, the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), and the military's law barring homosexuality. Why mess around with legislators when federal judges can create havoc with the stroke of a pen?

Sometimes just the threat of a wacko liberal ruling is enough to drive policy. That seems to be the reasoning behind Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates warning Congress to homosexualize the military before the courts do it. He said it would be disruptive if a court acts, so Congress should order up the lavender tanks instead.

I don't recall a single reporter asking Mr. Gates why, if ending the policy by court order would harm the military, it would be less disruptive if done by the lame-duck Congress. Mr. Gates himself hinted at the answer: Training (i.e. brainwashing) could begin earlier. Think about that. Troops drawn from America's heartland will be "trained" to appreciate sodomy - or else. Wonder if they'll break out those little Maoist dunce caps while they're at it?


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Rule 5 Posting - Christina Applegate

Here is Christina Applegate when she starred in Married With Children

While surfing the internet I found the movie "Surviving Christmas" which Christina Applegate played in also.  Now, that I've seen some of the scenes from the movie and it looks like it could be a good movie I am gonna have to see the whole movie now.

TSA Grope version of "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer"

H/T YankeePhil

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Catholic Colleges Very Identity Threatened by Obama Administration

So much for religious freedom at Catholic colleges.  The Obama administration is now targeting them. This has me fuming mad!  The Obama administration has issued new federal regulations which threaten Catholic colleges right to religious freedom and also threatens their right to be able to teach according to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.  This attack on our religious freedom must stop!!  In Chicago Obama was very chummy with Cardinal Bernardin who was the person who developed the seamless garment of life philosophy which "holds that issues such as abortion, capital punishment, militarism, euthanasia, social injustice and economic injustice all demand a consistent application of moral principles that value the sacredness of human life (as defined by the Catholic Church)."  This philosophy has done a great injustice to the pro-life community and is false when equating abortion with that of a public execution since the Church has officially declared Dogma declaring abortion to be intrinsically evil but not in the case of capital punishment, which, according to longstanding Church tradition, the state may justly apply when bloodless means will not protect society as effectively.  So, this "seamless garment" philosophy was a perversion of Church Teachings IMO. Obama was good friends with Cardinal Berdardin and I am going to speculate that that is when he and other Marxists started infiltrating the Church and using their community organizing efforts to teach Church members their Marxist ways while perverting the true meaning of social justice and making into some political philosophy of zealotry.  I am positive that this type of thing didn't just happen in Chicago where I am sure Obama had a hand in it.  It was and is widespread, and others like Obama did their part.  That is at least in part how I believe that the whole perversion of social justice got out of hand within the Church and why church members today feel that it is okay to dissent from certain Church Teachings such as abortion and contraception.  The Catholic colleges need to fight this and take the Obama administration to court for violating their religious freedom.

Here is the article from The Cowl:

"New federal regulations issued by the Obama administration a few weeks ago threaten not only recruitment for Catholic colleges, but more importantly, their very identity. The new regulations increase oversight for colleges through either state chartering or licensing, which are necessary for colleges to obtain federal aid. While states have always had to approve colleges that receive aid, the new law mandates that states approve colleges by name. States will also have greater power to act on complaints pertaining to colleges.

So why is this a problem? New regulations represent a federal encroachment on the independence of private institutions and especially religious schools. Even the Department of Education itself admitted that "a state's role may extend into defining, for example, curriculum, teaching methods, subject matter content, faculty qualifications, and learning outcomes." Catholic colleges that incorporate religious teaching in their curriculum may risk losing federal funding if state governments don't approve of the content.

All sorts of controversial issues come to mind that could be forced into the curricula of Catholic colleges by state governments as a condition of federal aid. Schools like Providence College might have to teach that it's acceptable to get an abortion or that creationism is a myth propagated by religious wackos.

We're not safe from a repeat of what happened at Belmont Abbey College in North Carolina. At this Catholic school, the administration issued a statement that employee health insurance would not fund contraceptives and abortions because it violated Catholic teaching on the dignity of human life. However, eight dissenting faculty members appealed to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which responded by accusing the college of discriminating against women.

Unfortunately, federal regulation is already trying to undermine key precepts of the Catholic faith, which should be actively promoted by Catholic schools across the country. The scary thing is that even federal officials admit these new regulations do "not limit a State's oversight of institutions." In other words, states have total authority to rule against a school whose curriculum it deems "discriminatory" for promoting life.

Catholic schools that aren't approved by state governments will lose funding, which will hurt enrollment. Although enrollment obviously matters, what's at stake is greater. These new federal regulations threaten the responsibility of Catholic schools to spread their missions unimpeded by politically correct legislation, aimed at enforcing secularism—or even atheism."

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